
Lightbulb Moment…

I’m no philosopher.

I’m certainly no angel.

I’m me and for the first time in my life, I feel comfortable and content with that.

Everything before has led me to this point – that’s obvious to a semi-intelligent person – but, I still feel obliged to say it, because parts of this journey have been very bleak and depressing.

Recognising those ‘dark times’ as both, part of life and being human, is important. You can learn much about yourself. You can grow and become a better person. Learning from these experiences, without dwelling on them, has helped me to recognise opportunities more readily and cut myself some slack when I have those inevitable stuff ups.

Puck Farkinson’s inception (at least this version) evolved via the following events.

I was sitting on the back verandah with a coffee, ‘Facebooking’, one cool morning, last July, when I read this: “So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing .” – T.S.Eliot

It was a line from a poem called ‘East Coker’, and it took a little for me to interpret.

Shortly after reconciling with this, a post from Parkinson’s SA appeared on my feed regarding the Adelaide City to Bay Fun Run, as an opportunity to fundraise.

This seemed to mesh brilliantly with some banter I had read (again on FB), by a trio of friends, who were in training for the event.

The universe was telling me something. I believe that ‘something’ went like this:

“Michael, get off your arse and do something constructive with your life. You’ve only got one shot at it. Try to enjoy it.”

Thus, Puck Farkinson’s was born.

(6) Comments

  1. I’m so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Everything and everyone has a purpose … NOT a goal but a purpose to do good when they can and to be sure that their existence is a gift for the betterment of self and others.

    1. Michael Wiseman says:

      Thanks Ma! Love you 😘

  2. Mark says:

    Your a true champion Finny
    your wit and intelect has been the catalyst of so many fine memories both Diane and myself have had with you
    we will be here to share many more some fun and maybe some challenging but garunteed to have a laugh as well

    1. Michael Wiseman says:

      Thanks Mark! Luv ya guts mate

  3. Kim Davison says:

    A genuine gentleman! If anyone could find a positive in any situation, it would definitely be you Mikey.

    You are a true inspiration to those closest to you and no doubt will continue to inspire others.

    Keep ‘paying it forward’ and never change who you are.

    P.s. The Beastie Boys have nothing on you hehe


    1. Michael Wiseman says:

      Thanks Kim x

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